How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Cure Acne

There are many different ways to use tea tree oil to cure acne. Your method for curing acne generally depends on a few things. What is your skin type? How bad is your acne? What kind of tea tree oil acne product are you using?

What is your skin type? There are thousands and thousands of types of skin. Ever heard of a dermatologist? These people get paid to know these thousands and thousands of types. For our purposes ¨curing your acne with tea tree oil¨ we just need to know how easily your skin dries out.
You don´t need to make a visit to your dermatologist and pay for an expensive consultation to figure this out.

You know your skin better than anyone. Most likely you´ve tried other acne treatment methods before coming to this website so you know how easily your skin can dry out. Tea tree oil acne products are safer, less expensive, and generally more effective but as far as drying out your skin they´re the same. I would never use 100% concentrated tea tree oil when washing your face.

Make a solution of 15% tea tree oil and water. Make it around 10% tea tree oil if your skin dries out fairly easy. Increase percentage depending on how bad your current acne is. A word of caution here though; you don´t want to dry out your skin as this will be counter-productive. The highest concentration I would ever justify using would be around 30%.

There are a lot of tea tree oil products out there and you´re going to want to check your product´s concentration of tea tree oil. (generally this should be 100%) Always check the concentration so that you can make an effective solution.

Apply this tea tree oil solution once or twice a day depending on how bad your acne is. Using a wet cloth is the best option for application. Pat don´t rub on your face. Tea tree oil and acne don´t get along well so your acne should disappear within a week.

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