Tea Tree Oil Acne

There are tons of Tea Tree Oil Acne Products out on the market but which one to use? We´ve all struggled with acne problems at some point in our lives. Endless scrubbing, expensive products, and no results tends to be the common trend.

Tea tree oil and acne? How do the two go together? Tea tree oil products in general are organic and gentle to the skin. Tea tree oil is an extract from a plant called Melaleuca Alternafolia. Have you ever heard of the company named Melaleuca? This plant became the basis for their company. Tea Tree Oil extract has many beneficial properties. I´ve personally used it to cure ringworm and athlete´s foot. There are a ton of websites out there that can give you specific information on its various uses and properties but this website focuses on tea tree oil and acne. So lets move along...

The tea tree oil acne treatment. I´m sure many of you have some acne product you bought from a store or through an infomercial, wherever you bought it. GO get that product right now and read the ingredients. You will inevitably find a chemical called benzoyl peroxide. This is the ¨active ingredient¨ in most acne treatments. If you read the warnings on your acne product it will tell you not to swallow, ingest, or get in your eyes.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil

  1. How to use a Tea Tree Oil Acne Product
  2. Learn More About Tea Tree Oil
  3. Other Uses for Tea Tree Oil
  4. Learn About Acne

Why Other Acne Products Don´t Work

Now I have to explain the irony here. Your skin is your largest organ. Your skin is perhaps one of the most vital in protecting your body and preserving your immune system. Your skin is porous, imagine sweating. Now don´t you think that something that is toxic for every part of your body except your skin might in general be toxic for your entire body? How do these companies isolate the skin? Isn´t your body integrated on multiple systems? If you rub an acne product, benzoyl peroxide, or other chemicals on your skin...won´t the fumes from that harsh chemical get into your eyes?

Maybe you´ll get some on your lips when you wash your face or ingest it through your hands? The point being that if it isn´t safe to be ingested, WHY WOULD YOU PUT IT ON YOUR FACE? (you know the area that surrounds your mouth and eyes)

This is why tea tree oil acne products is the best solution for curing acne. It´s safe. People use it to cure bad breath so it must be safe to ingest. Tea tree oil comes from a natural plant. Think of the few things in nature that are bad for you compared to the many thousands that are safe for you. Now think about what humans have done through chemical engineering. There are very few chemicals out there that are safe for humans or even beneficial for us as compared to the millions out there that are terrible for us.

Why Does Tea Tree Oil Work?
Tea tree oil works on acne because acne is caused by bacteria. Tea tree oil kills the bacteria eliminating the cause of acne. Tea tree oil will further dry out your skin so that the existing acne will rapidly disappear. Is tea tree oil the only acne solution? No. Is tea tree oil the safest acne solution? Absolutely, I believe so...and there might be safer approaches out there but tea tree oil acne products are by far the most common and inexpensive acne treatments that I know of. Tea tree oil helps get rid of existing acne while preventing further breakouts.

Tea tree oil acne products are the best cure for acne. Tea tree oil and acne aren´t the only combination. Tea tree oil has many many different applications and buying yourself some tea tree oil will be the best investment you´ll ever make for your health.

Warning while Tea Tree Oil is generally safe ingesting it is never suggested and can be harmful!

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Learn About Acne

So we now know that Tea Tree Oil cures acne but it isn´t until we really understand how acne works that we begin to understand the real beauty of tea tree oil acne products. So lets start at the beginning.

We have on our faces something called sebaceous glands which helps keep our skin moisturized. During our teenage years our sebaceous glands expand and grow. (our entire bodies are growing at this time so why wouldn´t our glands) So at the time our glands are expanding they begin to pump out more of the chemical ¨sebum¨.

Sebum is a food source for bacteria that already exists on our faces. The bacteria begins to grow in the follicles of our face. White blood cells respond to the attack on the follicle and end up destroying part of the follicle in an attempt to destroy the bacteria. The follicle that is destroyed enters the dermis.

This causes an inflammatory response which is the natural reaction of the body to any intrusion. Think of the swelling that occurs when you slam your finger in a car door. This swelling with respects to acne manifests itself on the face in the form of red bumps. In order to prevent acne a.k.a. those red bumps it become necessary to eliminate the cause of acne...the bacteria.

This is where a tea tree oil acne product comes into play. Tea tree oil works for acne because it eliminates the bacteria without over drying the skin. Tea tree oil and acne products are effective ways of eliminating bacteria and consequently prevent breakouts. Tea tree oil helps cure existing acne by drying out any existing ¨red bumps¨ a.k.a. pimples which are caused by sebum.

Other Uses For Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil has been in use for a long time. It all started with the indigenous people of Australia who learned how to crush the leaves for their antiseptic purposes. Learn more here...

Uses for Tea Tree Oil

So you know that a Tea Tree Oil Acne Product is a great alternative use for tea tree oil. But what else can you do with Tea Tree Oil? After all you want to get the most bang for your buck! Tea tree oil can be used on minor cuts, scratches, to soothe burns, if you have athletes foot, any fungal infections, ringworm, and vaginal yeast infections. You can also inhale tea tree oil for any lung ailments you may have such as bronchitis, coughs, tuberculosis, or whooping cough.

Tea tree oil is a great antiseptic and is extremely effective at killing bacteria. This property makes it perfect for any insect bites especially mosquitoes. As you know mosquito bites often become infected because of mosquito bites become itchy and after scratching the mosquito bite it becomes infected from all the bacteria and germs underneath your fingernails. If you apply tea tree oil to a mosquito bite it will be able to not only kill all surrounding bacteria which will prevent further scratching but tea tree oil will allow the bite to heal faster by rapidly drying it out.

Tea Tree Oil for Pets

Tea tree oil has long been in use on barn animals and household pets in order to control pests such as fleas and lice. Put this in their bathing water for the best application. Be careful not to put tea tree oil on animals that are likely to lick their skin as INGESTING TEA TREE OIL can be harmful to PETS and HUMANS.

Tea tree oil recently become popular for its use in shampoo to cure dandruff and lice. Applications for tea tree oil are extensive and require much more investigating. This site is dedicated to the curing of acne using Tea Tree Oil so for more information on using tea tree oil to cure acne click here.

Learn About Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil unlike other acne products wasn´t discovered for the purpose of treating acne. Most products are created for a purpose. Through this sort of process many things are forced along and what eventually develops is a less than thorough product. With Tea Tree Oil, it existed before, and had many uses before it was discovered that it also helps treat acne. I feel more confident with a product that wasn´t forced into a job but rather was found to actually fit a job.

Tea Tree Oil comes from the Melaleuca Plant and is sometimes known as Melaleuca Oil. Tea tree oil hails from Australia and was traditionally used by native australians. The indigenous people would crush up the Tea Tree Leaves and inhale the fumes to treat sore throats and colds.

The medical properties of Tea Tree leaves was discovered by Arthur Penfold in the 1920´s where he discovered the antimicrobrial properties of Tea Tree leaves. The commercialization of Tea Tree oil came about shortly after. Melaleuca a company founded in the late 1980´s uses Melaleuca oil a.k.a. Tea Tree Oil in many of its products. Investigate them for more natural products.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Cure Acne

There are many different ways to use tea tree oil to cure acne. Your method for curing acne generally depends on a few things. What is your skin type? How bad is your acne? What kind of tea tree oil acne product are you using?

What is your skin type? There are thousands and thousands of types of skin. Ever heard of a dermatologist? These people get paid to know these thousands and thousands of types. For our purposes ¨curing your acne with tea tree oil¨ we just need to know how easily your skin dries out.
You don´t need to make a visit to your dermatologist and pay for an expensive consultation to figure this out.

You know your skin better than anyone. Most likely you´ve tried other acne treatment methods before coming to this website so you know how easily your skin can dry out. Tea tree oil acne products are safer, less expensive, and generally more effective but as far as drying out your skin they´re the same. I would never use 100% concentrated tea tree oil when washing your face.

Make a solution of 15% tea tree oil and water. Make it around 10% tea tree oil if your skin dries out fairly easy. Increase percentage depending on how bad your current acne is. A word of caution here though; you don´t want to dry out your skin as this will be counter-productive. The highest concentration I would ever justify using would be around 30%.

There are a lot of tea tree oil products out there and you´re going to want to check your product´s concentration of tea tree oil. (generally this should be 100%) Always check the concentration so that you can make an effective solution.

Apply this tea tree oil solution once or twice a day depending on how bad your acne is. Using a wet cloth is the best option for application. Pat don´t rub on your face. Tea tree oil and acne don´t get along well so your acne should disappear within a week.